Social Works

About our Ministry

Mission: Charity to the underprivileged and those in need


1. Project Manna
Vision: Transforming Lives One Meal at a Time
Mission: Active evangelism by using food to establish a long-lasting relationship


Categories of Recipients
– Category 1: Cell Members
– Category 2: Church Members
– Category 3: Community around Cells


Type of Food Packages
– Basic food item (rice, milo, sugar, salt, cooking oil, canned sardine, instant noodle, meehoon, eggs, biscuits, and condensed milk)
– Ready-to-eat frozen meal
– Milk powder & diapers (for family with baby or toddler only)


Everyone can participate but for better administration, it is mobilized through the cell groups
of the English Department, outreaches & language churches.


Team Members
Danny Ng (Leader)
Weng Heng
Loo Lay Yong


2. Project One Act
A project that considers a one-off or short-term specific need for the underprivileged


To donate:
– Please bank in online to Maybank A/C No: 514178683801 providing specific details
– Dept SOW in the reference space provided or email details to the Accounts Department (



Elder Danny Ng